What is product development?

Product development is a process. A process in which you go from a problem or need to a solution – your product. During this process you follow a number of steps. These steps are already known in advance. However, what that means in terms of content for your project is becoming increasingly clear step by step. This way you go from a problem definition to a product that can be produced and that solves the problem.

Why invest in product development?

Your potential customers have a problem – you want to solve it.

You recognize a problem that many people face, but for which no solution exists. A gap in the market! But the idea for a solution is not yet a product – you have to start developing the product. We make this development transparent for you and show you which steps you can take to ensure that the product really comes to life.

Your customers are asking for a change – you want to keep your customers happy.

Whether you already make products yourself or just sell them – you know your market like no other. You are in close contact with your customers and receive valuable feedback. Sometimes you want to make an adjustment to an existing product or bring something completely new to the market. These existing products can also be adapted to work specifically for your customers.

You want to bring in more customers and grow by expending your portfolio

You are selling a good product and have customers who are happy with this product. Yet you notice that there is more to be gained by putting a new product next to the existing one. Having your own idea or a good tip or need of a customer makes you think. A new product with existing technology could help your business grow.

The production of your existing product can be more efficient

Sometimes you have a product that sells well, but you don't have enough margin to grow your business. Could the product be made more efficient? By investing in improved production, you can achieve a lower cost price per product. For example, think of material reduction, shorter service time, fewer production steps and shorter assembly time.

Experience in product development provides insights into how a product can best be produced for your specific situation. We can provide insight into this and contribute ideas to solutions.

You want a better competitive position

You are often not the only producer or seller of your product. Your product should grab the customer's attention and convince them to buy from you. This can be done through perfect functionality, a low price or an appearance that suits the customer. All these characteristics are taken into account in the development of the product. Both an existing or new product can be conceived for this.

Where you know the market and the customers well, we supplement this until there is a product with which you can distinguish yourself from the competitors.

You want to move with the times so as not to be left behind

Stagnation means decline. You have to innovate in order to keep participating. Society, your customers and the competition do not stand still. So you will have to come up with something new every so often to maintain or preferably increase your market share. You do this by constantly looking for opportunities. Product development is an essential part of this. Trends and developments provide inspiration for the future that you have to respond to.

Even at an early stage, the steps of the product development process can provide insight into opportunities in your market. We facilitate these thoughts to prepare you for the future.

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Or new products

A new product always starts with a dream. What's yours? Do you dream of a revolutionary improvement or a brilliant new solution? Or are you looking for the dream of your target group? We at R2Pro dream with you and help you make your dream concrete.

  • Description target group
  • Idea generation
  • Visualization of the dream product
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About the real demands

Time to ask questions. First, we want to learn as much as possible. What do your customers want? What problems do they experience? What are they willing to pay for the solution? And what do you want? What requirements do you as a company set for a new product and what does the government require? Is your idea feasible? And original enough? R2Pro bundles all answers into a complete program of requirements. This is what your new product must comply with.

  • Research target group and context
  • Research relevant external requirements
  • Initial Program of Requirements
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Of innovative solutions

Let's brainstorm. Together with you, experts and users. We start more general, but then we become specific. Devise solutions, develop models and evaluate. Until we have the very best solution: your product concept.

  • Brainstorming with you, with experts, with users
  • Components research and choice
  • Developing concepts; creating system solutions with smart solutions with regard to technology, use and design.
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Your dream product

The best designers shape your concept and translate it into a real, working prototype. We will of course test this extensively and have it tested. And we arrange everything around it: patents, production methods, packaging, etc.

  • 3D drawing
  • Usable prototype
  • Carry out tests or have them carried out with prototype
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Your sustainable production

You know exactly what you want to make, now we make sure it gets made. We select the best suppliers for all parts of your product and ensure that all parties work closely together with one goal: realizing your dream product. We oversee the entire production and optimize the production process. Now you are ready for the last step.

  • Choice in and contact with suppliers
  • 0-series (first 'test' production) and optimization of production
  • Certification
  • Production
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The product that will help your organization grow

There it is, your new product. All set to conquer the market. We can ensure that you always have enough available. With just one phone call. Or would you rather keep the production in-house? For that too you can count on the expertise of R2Pro.

  • Manage purchasing
  • Making/supervising product 'extras' such as manuals and packaging
  • Creating/supervising product 'marketing' such as (basic) website, brochures, films
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